EnCompass Pipeline is committed to the continuous improvement of environmental, health and safety performance to help achieve the greatest benefit for all of our clients. It is our policy to meet or exceed all applicable environmental, health and pipeline safety laws and regulations and to facilitate full and open discussion to address responsible standards and practices where laws and regulations do not exists. Accordingly, this Environmental, Health and Safety Policy is a standard by which company employees are currently measured. By having an in-house Operator Qualification Evaluator, we are able to meet our client’s qualifications quickly and efficiently without having to outsource this service.

Our goals under this policy are:
• Integrate environmental, health and safety stewardship into our core business activities.
• Make environmental, health and safety considerations a core component in existing operations and in the planning, design and construction of new and expanded facilities, and include the integration of physical risk management into our business and decision processes.
• Promote environmental, health and safety awareness among clients, customers, and in the communities in which we operate.
• Provide environmental, health and safety training and promote awareness among all employees.
• Cooperate and coordinate, in the spirit of partnership, with local, state & federal authorities on environmental, health & safety matters.
• Perform evaluations of incidents and near misses through formal investigation, including the identification of basic and root causes, and steps and procedures to prevent reoccurrence of a similar event.
• Assess environmental, health and safety risks of existing operations, new business ventures and acquisitions.
For natural gas, utility, crude/product, telecom or any other pipeline project, you want a partner you can trust. You need a company with the experience and equipment, not to mention a safe environment. Safety should be and is our top priority at EnCompass Pipeline. We strive to perform every project in the safest manner possible. We have worked over three years without a lost time incident, and take great pride in helping ensure our employees return home safely after work each day.
We also have steadily built a reputation for safety through constant training and evaluation. We meet current requirements on all pipeline spread projects. A DOT-approved Drug and Alcohol Program, ISNetworld certification, and several other continuing education programs and safety auditing programs keep our management and employees up to date with the proper training and credentials needed to perform their jobs safely and efficiently.
While safety is our number one priority, environmentally, we strive to adhere to all federal, state, and company regulations. We make sure that all of our projects are maintained to the highest standards.